What Theme Is That?

I am often asked, by students mainly, what my themes are. I’m not sure myself although
I do know the theme of ‘just how big is this’ is one of them.

I had to go to Queenstown today, a town all agog because Ozzy and Sharon Osborne are holidaying there and making lots of friends. On the way up I was mesmerised by the colour of
autumn leaves caught in the morning sunlight. They looked as if they were on fire. At one stage, after driving past some, notwithstanding the traffic I turned around and went back to have another look. The photo didn’t work out but I was glad that I had a go otherwise it would have been gnawing away at me tonight.

On the way home however I saw this rock, found a place to park my car and managed to take this photo. What appeals to me about it is that although it looks huge it is only about 4 metres tall. I also like the cleft in the peak. Of all the photos that I have taken in the 6 weeks that I have been in Central Otago this is one that I like the best.