Maurice Till Concert

As I mentioned in my previous posting, last night I went to a Maurice Till concert, here in Alexandra. There were about 50 people there and I had a front row seat. This is a wide angle shot so it does not really show just how close I was to the keyboard. Wide angle settings push the subject back. I was only two or three metres away the piano which was, as often I tinker with the piano here at Henderson House, a great thrill for me.

About a third of the way in, during some Schumann, I did not know whether to feel inspired or to simply give up on my piano study and stick to CD’s.

I had my little pocket sized Leica with me and wanted to take a photograph but out of courtesy I didn’t want to be too obtrusive. Consequently I waited until the end and without using a flash I quickly grabbed this photo. I regret that the light was so low that the image is rather soft.

If you click on this piece of writing it will come up large enough to read. You will see what an eminent pianist Maurice Till is. Prior to playing his final scheduled piece he spoke most movingly about how he had first played in Alexandra in 1949 as part of the University Trio, who based at Otago University, where making a tour of this part of New Zealand.

His overture was the heartbreaking Schumann’s Devotion. As soon as I arrived back at Henderson House, I got back on to the piano here. That was a good sign. For me, not necessarily for the neighbours.