Burwell House, Invercargill
It’s a month since I moved here. Immediately upon arrival I realised that one of the main pleasures of my stay here was to be living alongside the airport’s flightpath. I like aeroplanes very much.

Here the airport is almost in the suburbs. From my upstairs kitchen window I can see the runway and the control tower. 50,000 people here, same as New Plymouth.

On one particular day, Boeing 737 jets from Air NZ and QANTAS began coming in. It was cold and snowy weather and Queenstown was closed. The diverted passengers were going to be bused there. Twice this happened but the heavy jets had passed before I could find my camera. The sight and sound of them was exhilarating.

Air NZ Bombardiers from Christchurch visit here every day. A couple of weeks ago I raced down the down the stairs and out the front door, just in time to record this. It wasn’t the photo that I had imagined but somehow it might be better.