Slaughter 1981

I am involved in a major project where I am 
going through all of my old negatives
to see if I have missed any images
that could be printed up, or, in some
cases to find negatives that
I knew, or rather hoped were
there, but have been lost for years.
I was very glad to come across the negative of Slaughter 1981,
taken at a time when I was in my early
days as a photographer. I think that I made,
one, maybe two prints mainly for my 
personal enjoyment. I don’t know where
the prints are now.
It was taken on the same occasion
 that I took Farm Study. In fact
all of the sheep in Farm Study were
on their way to be killed.
The top photo shows one of them.
However, it would be remiss of me 
not to include another photo in this post, the colour one
below and called Carcass, taken a couple 
of years ago.
Needless to say this image has not
been one of my big sellers.
By the way, this sheep in not real.