et al

A couple of days ago I went to see
Michael Lett’s new gallery space in Auckland.
Even though I knew that the opening
show was an exhibition of the famous
NZ art collective known as et al,
the one that exhibited at the Venice Biennale,
and I thought that I had a pretty good
idea of what to expect, this time I was
well and truly fooled.
I arrived by car, parked in the generous
parking spaces off Beaconsfield Street but was confused.
This can’t be the right space I thought,
this is an empty space still under construction.
Screwed up newsprint, rusting metal
structures lying around, a roller door
semiclosed, this can’t be it I thought.
It was only when a courier arrived and I asked
if they knew where Michael Lett’s was that I
realised that my mind had been well and truly
stretched beyond its current limitations.
This was the show, but it was spilling out of
the spaces inside into the carpark.
What a rewarding experience.
Art that expands my thinking is the
kind of art that I like.