This afternoon I have had an opportunity to fossick around
in my computer.
My main computer is now a Mac but I have only recently, well
within the last two years anyway, changed over from PC. The PC
files have been transfused into the Mac and that is where I have been
today. In the transfused files I mean.
There are some photos in there that I cannot just put in the rubbish tin,
the Geiger counter is clicking. I have something to learn from them.
Tonight I was going back over Invercargill files, two years ago.
It was one of the richest times of my life.
This cat was in the street window of a store. It is of course, fake.
‘It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.’
This was on a bumper sticker that I saw a couple of weeks ago. Perhaps it explains why
in recent years I have been so attracted to photographing toys. The Lion is a money box that I saw a couple of days ago in Queenstown, and the cat is a toy that I bought at a $2 shop in New Plymouth. This cat is going to be on the cover of a book about my work coming out in September.