Three Horns
While at Ivan Anthony’s gallery in Karangahape Rd,
Auckland I noticed, in an office, these coat hooks, if that is
what one should call them. I don’t know what animals
were the source of these horns.
I have a small collection of cow horns here
in my studio. I particularly like the ones that are
white but have black tips.
Visually, I find it a pity that modern dairy cows don’t have horns, either by breeding, or
by removal at some early stage of their lives.
Spending the first few years of my life on a dairy farm made a big
impression on me. Seeing my father remove adult cows’ horns
with a saw, I think it was, was a seminal experience of my life.
Red blood spurted out of the stump, and cows bellowed with pain.
There was no anaesthetic.
It’s been on my mind for quite a while to get in touch with a vet, who may be able to
find me some more horns. Taranaki is one of the most intense dairy
areas of New Zealand so I’m a bit hopeful.