Are We In Progress?
In my studio here in New Plymouth, there are entities sitting, lying, and generally lounging around patiently waiting for me to get on and finish featuring them in The Final Photo. All of them have had me take pictures of them before but time drags on.
Here are a few. I used to think that these plastic bottles, dug out of an Invercargill rubbish dump a couple of years ago, were Clowns, but I now believe that they are Spacemen. Had most helpful e’s from blog friends re the background to these bottles.
The penguins were part of a set, 6 or 7 I think. One or two have gone feral since they arrived here in New Plymouth. I bought them at Auckland Museum when I was wandering about in a preoccupied daze about 3 months ago, concentrating mainly on my notes that I had been working on, I was a finalist in the Montana Book Awards and while not necessarily expecting to win my category I did want to have something gracious to say whatever the outcome. Extemporaneous speechifying does not come easily to me. I have to work on it.