
These framed photographs
I made several years ago
as a set of 10.
Usually they live in a box but now
they are on display in my studio.
The misshapen monkey is from
the Whanganui Museum.
I made about 1500
badges from the image.

Voyager 2002

In 2002 I went to visit the Whanganui Museum, and was invited to see what their storage area held. One of the specimens in their collection was a monkey that had apparently originally arrived as a skin and been treated by a taxidermist who had never seen what the monkey that the skin belonged to actually looked like. The eyes are not right for a start.

This was an era when museums swapped material. Museums here swapped items such as moa bones and stuffed Kiwi.

I made a work based on the monkey which I called Voyager. Can’t remember exactly why. One thing that I did at the time was to have about 1000 badges made, and eventually over a year or two they were all given away.

I decided last week that I would like to take some South with me. Two days after ordering them, 500 arrived on my doorstep.