More Planes

A couple of blogs back I discussed how aeroplanes
are a subject that I never lose interest in, not
that I have accumulated a large number of images
to show for it.
Here is one however that I did keep, in fact I
printed up a few. This was probably about
15 years ago.
It is a RNZAF Hercules making an approach
on Whenuapai where the squadron is based.
At the time of the photo it was flying
over Herald Island.


A few days ago I visited friends in Devonport.
In their fecund garden there is a fuchsia, chest
high at least, consequently the flowers are pendulous, hanging in a way that
enhances their sculptural nature.
This flower is a first generation descendent
of a specimen that flourished on Herald Island,
in the upper reaches of the Waitemata, under
the Harbour Bridge, bearing right towards
Whenuapai, Hobsonville, and Kumeu and below Greenhithe
near Paremoremo.
I lived there for several years
and this flower has come from there.
HMS Herald named it when they went on an exploratory cruise while having brought
the Treaty of Waitangi down to Auckland from the Bay of Islands for signing and had a few days to spare.
They were able to circumnavigate Herald Island then, now there is a causeway and heavy
silting although snapper still come up here to breed. The mangroves too
are flourishing and they support an abundance of life.